Adding Photos/Video to Portfolio

Adding Photos/Video to Portfolio

Add Photos, Video to your portfolio so people can learn about you and your work.

Add Photos:

Profile > Portfolio > Add Media > Photo:

Select the photo from computer. After uploading you can give the photo a title and description.

Add Videos:

Profile > Portfolio > Add Media > Video:

Paste URL from YouTube or Vimeo.

YouTube links:

For YouTube videos, we recommend you publish your video as ‘UNLISTED’ or ‘PUBLIC’ and in Distribution settings, make sure you allow embedding. If your settings are PRIVATE no one will be able to see your video on STAGE DOOR NETWORK. 

Vimeo links:

For VIMEO videos, we recommend that your ‘who can watch’ settings are either ‘Anyone’ or ‘People with private link’. In the ‘where can this be embedded’ section, we recommend you allow embedding ‘Anywhere’ or ‘specific domains’ and then add as an allowed domain. 

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