Editing Personal Information

Editing Personal Information

In order to ensure you appear in STAGE DOOR NETWORK searches, complete your profile details.

Self-identify your skills and characteristics, designed to help you appear in creative searches. You can choose to show or hide this information to the public. Even if you choose not to allow your traits to appear in your bio, these elements will be used in creative searches, improving your changes of matching with job opportunities:

Location: Select home location and indicate if you are willing to travel, willing to tour.

Gender / Pronouns: Select your gender identity and preferred pronouns. Onstage performers will also select any/all genders that you feel comfortable playing in performance.

Sexual Orientation: Indicate your sexual orientation.

Disability: Indicate if you have any disability.

Height/Age: Choose whether or not to show in your profile.

Age Range: On-stage performers can enter the range of ages you can believably play in performance.

Ethnicity / Culture/ Race: Choose any/all that apply to you. If any are missing, please let us know so we can add it to our list by writing to support@stagedoornetwork.com

TIP: The more specific you are with your tags, roles, skills, personal information the better your matches will be in the search-grid. 

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