Creating a Profile

Creating a Profile

Your STAGE DOOR profile allows you to identify your skills, background information, upload your resume and videos/photos from your portfolio to allow others to find you. You can also include any creative services (or survival job skills) to help ensure your creative endeavors match your goals.

  • TAG YOUR ROLES/SKILLS: Users can search for you by roles/skills through the job-matching platform. You should include any/all skills (including survival job skills) to appear in searches.

  • IDENTIFY YOUR BACKGROUND: Self-identify your personal details and background, including gender, race and culture background, sexual orientation so you can match with projects that align with your background and goals.

  • PORTFOLIO: Upload video and photos to highlight your work.

  • RESUME: Upload a PDF of your resume for users to view. In addition, you can upload any other PDF files to share.

  • CREATIVE SERVICES: If you teach workshops or masterclasses, or if you make money doing other services (yoga instructor, tutor, dog walker) you can list the services here so others can book you directly.

  • RECOMMENDATIONS: Members in your network can write recommendations about you and your work, assisting others to learn about working with you.

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