Post a Job

Post a Job

Create a free job posting or audition notice on the network.

POST THE JOB: Post the opportunity details including job description, pay rate, required skills, project dates. When you tag the specific skills and requirements for the role the system will find candidates that match those details and will notify them of a possible match.

REVIEW JOBSSearch the job board for projects that match your goals and skills, and apply for work. Use the filter buttons to show you either:
  1. ALL JOBS - This shows ALL jobs that have been posted. 
  2. JOB MATCHES - This shows you all jobs that match your profile. 
  3. MY LIST  - This shows any jobs you have favorited (by pressing the yellow star while browsing). 
  4. MY APPLICATIONS - This is any job you have applied for to track. 
  5. MY JOBS - This shows any job you have been awarded. 
  6. POSTED JOBS - This shows all jobs that you have posted. 

JOB-MATCHINGThe system scours the database for job posts which match your skillset, then notifies you of a potential match for you to review the job and apply.

You can customize your notification preferences on your profile. Go to your Profile Page > Edit Profile > Notifications. Here you can select the type of notifications you'd like to receive. 

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