Search the Database

Search the Database

The all-inclusive DATABASE designed to help you discover appropriate professionals and resources for specific creative projects, including individuals and organizations with applicable:

Anyone can search the database HERE:

Use the filter tools to search for specific needs for your project. 

Main Role Categories: By pressing the Main Category Role Buttons across the top (Performers, Companies, Creative Team, Casting/Representation, Production Team) the filter will show all profiles tagged with those roles. You can press any button or combination of buttons to search.

Roles/Skills: Select Roles, select Skills to filter to get a specific and custom search. When you choose a role, you can also select specific skills within that role to further specify your skills. 

Location: Search for individuals or organizations in specific areas. 

Characteristics: Search for any specific combination of Ethnicity, Race, Culture, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Disability, Age (or age range for performers), Height range.

Affiliations: Search for any specific affiliation including the types of contracts you are interested in, union affiliations, etc. 

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